I find comfortable underwear uncomfortable!

Emma Thompson was interviewed alongside her co-star Emma Stone, by Mark Heyes on Lorraine on Wednesday and she revealed the underwear she had to wear beneath her character’s costume was ‘like a torture item’.

She said: “It’s like squeezing a tube of toothpaste in the middle, if you squeeze it hard enough then things will come up and go down and make the shapes. But it’s like you’re dealing with a Plasticine person”.

Emma and Tony

I think Emma Thompson and Anthony Hopkins work well together because they have a fantastic on-screen chemistry and they adopt the same working method.

They played together on Howards End (1992) and The remains of the day (1993) becoming a tight team with James Ivory’s crew.

A couple of years ago (2018) they shared the set again for the first time in 25 years for the adaptation of Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear.

In the following interview Emma talks about the chemistry between them, saying that they don’t rehearse very much, but prefer to read their parts alone and then get on set and see what happens.

They totally absorb their characters and then they let them come to life on set.

They just like acting!

Emma Thompson talks about Anthony Hopkins

Take a look at this interview that dates back to 1993. They both describe their feelings of sadness and pity for the quiet desperation of their characters, Miss Kenton and Mr Stevens.

Read it in the Los Angeles Times